Guinness World Records 2018. Gamer`s Edition

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From the global authority in record-breaking comes the 11th edition of the world`s best-selling videogames annual. Packed with the latest records, coolest stars and the biggest games, the Guinness World Records Gamer`s Edition is the go-to bible for every gaming fan. Just ask the five million readers who`ve made it an international sensation! Inside you`ll find amazing stats, thrilling facts, inspirational tales, lightning-quick speed-runs and dazzling photos. Read about the records behind your favourite games including Mario, Overwatch, FIFA, WWE and Rocket League, plus recap on a year of crazy Pokemon GO stories. Go behind the scenes of the world`s longest-running eSports organizer. Spook yourself silly with real-life videogame mysteries. Check out the fastest videogame completions. And gaze in envy at the world`s largest Zelda and Tomb Raider collections! You`ll also meet gaming heroes such as the world`s oldest games YouTuber at 81, a man with a real-life cyborg arm that was inspired by Deus Ex, and the kingpin of eSports fighting games. But the videogame stars don`t get much bigger than DanTDM, whose Minecraft channel has been watched nearly 10 billion times!So we`re thrilled he`s written a special intro just for the Guinness World Records Gamer`s Edition. Speaking of heroes...grab your cape and turn to this year`s special chapter featuring superhero games. It hard to believe it`s been nearly 40 years since Superman first exploded onto our consoles! So, we`re celebrating with your favourite costumed crime-battlers. From Spider-Man`s web-crawling to Batman`s gadgetry, they`re just as powerful in pixels as they are in the movies. So, whether you want to know who scored the fastest goal in FIFA or achieved the fastest speed-run of Final Fantasy XV, or just want to see the world`s biggest Game Boy, this is the book for you!
Hersteller: Pan Macmillan
Marke: Pan Macmillan
EAN: 9781910561737
Kat: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Informatik, EDV/Sonstiges
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

14: Pan Macmillan
15: 1605045906
16: #
5: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
6: Pan Macmillan
7: Guinness World Records 2018. Gamer`s Edition
:::: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Informatik, EDV/Sonstiges
···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
···· aufgenommen: 04.06.2020 · 20:20:37
···· & überprüft: 10.11.2020 · 23:05:06
: Guinness : Records : Edition :


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